Ray_Net wrote:

I have discussed with the guy who sent me a mail with a smiley in Outlook (J in Wingdings font) - He is not to blame ....

:-) is *automatically transformed on his screen into a beautiful smiley.

So, for him, it's easy. And he don't know that Outlook changed
":-)" Arial into "J" Wingdings.

It would be nice if SM can show me a smiley like IE, Chrome and Safari does.

Other issue. He told me that just after the transformation by outlook, if he depress the backsape key - the transfrmation is not done. He then send me this mail. and i received : - ) not transformed by SM as a smiley evenwhile i have set the option: "Display emoticons as graphics" - This is certainly due to the fact that the received mail is not in "pure text". Why limiting to pure text this option ???

In conclusion, the guy using outlook is *unable* to send me a smiley ...
due to SM laws/attitude/options.

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