Sat, 17 Sep 2011 21:54:44 +1000, /Daniel/:
Daniel wrote:

Ant, when I was using SM 2.0.x, I just used the word "Firefox" in my UA,
I found that was enough to fool the websites that look at the UA.

Try, in the address bar, "about:config", and if you accept the risk, then
in the filter bar enter "useragent", click on the screen somewhere, select
"New"->"String" and call it something like
"general.useragent.extra.seamonkey.firefox" and give it a value of "not
firefox" and you can give it a version number if you want.

Interesting.....even though I have this pref showing in my SM 2.3.3
about:config, my UA doesn't show the "not firefox" at all.

Is this because, at Edit->Preferences->Advanced->HTTP Networking, I have
the "Advertise Firefox compatibility" de-selected?? Or is the pref I
mentioned totally ignored now??

Yes, it is ignored now <>:

| Prior to Firefox 4 and Gecko 2.0, it was possible for extensions
| to add user agent parts through the
| general.useragent.extra.identifier preferences, (see the obsolete
| User Agent Strings Reference). It's not possible anymore since
| bug 581008 <>.

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