On Sun, 18 Sep 2011 01:24:55 -0400, "Justin Wood (Callek)"
<cal...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> 2) Assuming that the old bookmark file is still around, how can the old
>> bookmarks be restored?
>See: https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/FAQ#Bookmarks
>We are desperately hoping to find a solution to WHY this happens, and 
>then can work on correcting it to begin with. The problem with solving 
>it is that anyone who encounters the issue, no longer has their profile 
>in the state that caused the issue to begin with. And I have yet to hear 
>from someone who has an (old) copy of their profile and can reproduce 
>this reliably with said old(er) copy and the new SeaMonkey.
>So yes, we want this fixed, but don't even know where to begin at this time.

I may be able to help. Before i read this thread, I posted my situation
under a new thread/subject "Missing Bookmarks".   You gave  me some ideas
for testing.  i  have some earlier stuff.

I'm now using SM 2.3 but my current profile has been thru upgrading from
2.3.1 to 2.3.3 (the upgrade was limited in that SM's help said I was still
using 2.3.1 - and the recommended fix did not change anything).    

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