Daniel wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
 On 9/21/11 10:39 AM, km wrote:
 ...  i need to download and install SM such that
 the peompt that appears each tine it is started
 AND ask if you want to make it default  browser
 is NOT asked. is this possible???


 On the SeaMonkey menu bar, select [Edit>   Preferences].

 On the left side of the Preferences window (under Category), select

 On the Advanced pane, uncheck the "Cehck default ..." checkbox.

 Select the OK button.

David, the OP is posting to the SeaMonkey newsgroup using SeaMonkey 2.3.3

In my SM 2.3.3, the suggestion you make (even allowing for the typo's),
there is nowhere on the Advanced pane to uncheck "Check default).

My check of Preferences fails to find anything to stop the question
being asked.

Using 2.3.3 here, that preference most certainly _does_ exist:



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