WLS wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 10/12/2011 04:29 PM, WLS wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 10/12/2011 04:05 PM, WLS wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 11-10-12 3:05 AM, Dustbin wrote:
FireFox is now presuming to bypass my firewall without asking
to access the internet. WHat is worse, is that it does not appear
in the
list of programmes so that I can set whether it has permission or

In order to protect myself it may be necessary to stop using FireFox

Is everything at mozilla going pear-shaped?

[@ everyone else: if you look at Dustbin's user-agent string,
you'll see
that he's using SeaMonkey 2.0.14 on Windows Vista, so directing
to a Firefox newsgroup is incorrect.]

@ Dustbin,
SeaMonkey and Firefox are two separate products, and according to
headers, you are using SeaMonkey. Neither are designed to bypass
firewalls. If your firewall is doing its job, that should not even be
possible. In the program list, look for "SeaMonkey" not Firefox.

I guess I will have to start doing that, since this is the worst
yet of a user not knowing what the hell they are using. So yes, things
have got worse :)

I'm still trying to find Firefox 7.01 so I can test it.



Gotcha! You are one of the users that don't know your versions.

Actually I do.

I have Firefox 7.0.1 installed. I'm looking for the one that people call
7.01, when they ask for support.

Is there somewhere in this thread that referred to 7.01 other than
yourself? I figured that you'd entered the 'typo zone' and simply
pointed you to the downloads for FF 7.0.1.

What was posted on this thread was a question about FireFox (incorrect
spelling btw) in the SeaMonkey support newsgroup. It was pointed out
that this was a SeaMonkey support newsgroup and the question should be
directed to the mozilla.support.firefox group.

Then we were informed that if we had looked at the user agent, we would
have noticed the user was using SeaMonkey, and directing them to the
Firefox support group was the wrong thing to do, so I guess we are
supposed to offer support here. Also don't forget to look at the user
agent before posting any replies from this point forward.

Personally, I don't think the OP is that stupid to not know whether they
are asking a question about Firefox or not.

As often as it is done, I also don't believe that identifying a version
x,yz instead of x.y.z is a result of a typo, laziness maybe.

Whatever program and version dustbin is using I hope the problem is

I use SM for posting. Whoever criticised me for posting to the wrong group was probably right. The question was about FF even though SM was used to post the question.

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