David E. Ross sent me the following::
On 10/12/11 2:57 PM, sean nathan bean wrote:
Gertjan sent me the following::
sean nathan bean wrote:
Daniel sent me the following::
sean nathan bean wrote:
Daniel sent me the following::
Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
Ant wrote:


I don't know where the advertise FireFox compatability switch

Edit->Preferences->Advanced->HTTP Networking.


sorta useless until there's a way to quit advertizing
"compatibility" of
Firefox 2.0


To "quit advertizing "compatibility" of Firefox 2.0" simply untick the
spot on the HTTP Networking page.


well duh... guess i need to be more specific... why does SM still
advertize compatibility of Firefox 2.0 ... when Firefox is now at
version 6,7 or 8?

to date i haven't found an about:config entry to advertize the latest
Firefox versions... as opposed to the ancient versions...



your seamonkey advertizes Firefox/7.0 :
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:7.0) Gecko/20110922 Firefox/7.0

sorry all... my old eyes... misreading 7

plus confusion as i attempt to install certain addons which have given
me an error which reads "this isn't available for firefox 2.x"


You are a victim of bug #671085.  See

Effectively, a user agent string in the form of
         Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:7.0) Gecko/20110923
                Firefox/7.0 SeaMonkey/2.4
is parsed by the addons.mozilla.org server as if your browser were
Firefox 2.4.  As I recall, this problem was forecast when it was decided
to add the "advertise Firefox compatibility" feature to SeaMonkey, but
that forecast was pooh-poohed.

This is why I disabled "advertise Firefox compatibility".  I use
PrefBar's User Agent capability when I need to spoof a browser other
than SeaMonkey.

i knew it... see i'm not losing my mind... even as much as i'd like to some days...


A file that big?
  It might be very useful.
    But now it is gone.
 courtesy of TagZilla 0.066.2
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