NoOp wrote:

On 10/14/2011 02:01 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Every once in a while, if my computer is very busy with other things,
SeaMonkey won't be able to get enough CPU time and throws this error.
It's usually one of SeaMonkey's own internal scripts such as
autocomplete.js if I happen to be typing in the To: field, but
occasionally it's a script on a webpage I'm visiting. Here's an example:

Warning: Unresponsive script

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script
will complete.

[Continue] [Stop script]


[ ] Don't ask me again.

I click "Continue" unless I'm really desperate because as a user I have
no way of knowing the consequences of stopping the script. I don't know
what it's doing or how far it's gotten. But that's not my question.

My question is about the scope of the option at bottom. If I check the
box, am I saying...

a) quit prompting me about all unresponsive scripts anywhere for the
life of my computer?

b) quit prompting me about scripts being slow during this session, but
resume prompting after I restart SeaMonkey?

c) quit prompting me about scripts on this webpage, but keep prompting
me otherwise?

d) quit prompting me about this particular script on this particular
page, but keep prompting me otherwise?

e) something else I haven't thought of?


< >

Inchsting 'n' all, but doesn't answer my question.

If I say "Don't ask me again," what's that mean?

I thought I was pretty clear.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

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