km wrote:
... i want to email my sm with the setting
to a friend so when she clicks on the download link
it will install my sm on her desktop???

If I understand you, you want your friend to use SeaMonkey with all your settings. Your settings are not saved in the SeaMonkey installation directory, but rather in your profile. On Windows XP (similar for other Windows systems) the profile is stored in

C:\Documents and Settings\David\Application Data\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles

The profile folder itself will have a name like "xxxxyyyy.default"

If you close SeaMonkey and then zip up this profile folder then your friend should be able to install SeaMonkey in the normal way, and then use this profile. [I'm not 100% sure how to do this with the default profile, but I'm sure it is possible. I am only familiar with moving "named profiles" between machines.]

Is this what you want to do?

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

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