On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 17:09:25 -0800, "David E. Ross" <nobody@nowhere.invalid>

>On 12/10/11 4:34 PM, JohnW-Mpls wrote:
>> Where is my browser history kept - what files, and in my profile or
>> elsewhere?  I used to see URLs from a few weeks back but now I see only
>> today's URLs. In Preferences, I have enabled saving browser history and
>> selected searching for 180 days.  I'm running SM 2.5 under XP.
>> I'm looking for the browser history file(s) because I don't do SM
>> maintenance from within SM, I use batch files.  Forex: for many years, a
>> batch file I run only on the first boot of any day clears the cache
>> directory in my SM profile.  Purpose was to manage HD space by removing that
>> big bunch of cookies - but could that now be affecting my browser history?
>History is now part of the database in places.sqlite.  There is some
>disatisfaction among users about this implementation, primarily
>regarding the inability to set an expiration interval beyond which
>history entries expire and are removed.  See bug #660646 at

Thanks, I located my places.sqlite and it is quite large (not cleared with
the cache.  In the browser this morning, I have a historical URL from
yesterday, so it's sorta working - I'll have to play around in preferences
some more.  And I'll check out the bug.

>A work-around is provided by the Expire History button that can be
>downloaded from
><http://prefbar.tuxfamily.org/buttons.html#expirehistory> and imported
>into the PrefBar extension.  This allows the user to set an expiration
>interval and delete history entries that are older.  It requires the
>user to select the button manually; it is not automatic.

I may look at that.

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