On 1/3/2012 8:43 PM DoctorBill submitted the following:
> W3BNR wrote:
>> On 1/3/2012 4:42 PM DoctorBill submitted the following:
>>> W3BNR wrote:
>>>> On 1/3/2012 3:53 PM DoctorBill submitted the following:
>>>>> W3BNR wrote:
>>>>>> On 1/3/2012 1:20 PM W3BNR submitted the following:
>>>>>> \
>>>>>>                <    SNIPPED
>>>>>>> OK - "Password Manager" does NOT show you the URL's of the Host.
>>>>>>> I suggest you download the file at:
>>>>>>> http://the-edmeister.com/firefox_info/articles/List_Firefox-3_Passwords.htm
>>>>>>> and run it.  It will show "HOST", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD", and "SUBMIT 
>>>>>>> URL"
>>>>>>> Go to the URL above.  Save page as "Whatever.htm" someplace on your hard
>>>>>>> drive.
>>>>>>> Then double click on "Whatever.htm"  Answer the question, and viola 
>>>>>>> you'll
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> a listing of all your Hosts, usernames, password, and submit urls.  It 
>>>>>>> DOES
>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>> on SM 2.5.1.
>>>>>>> Check your SUBMIT URL column for HTTP and HTTPS.  They will have the 
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>> HOST,
>>>>>>> USERNAME, and PASSWORD, but ARE two different entries.
>>>>>> Minor error is above - change SM 2.5.1 to SM 2.6.1.
>>>>> I printed out my Links - Username - Passwords (eight pages) and SURE
>>>>> ENOUGH, it
>>>>> shows many, many with exact duplicate entries !
>>>>> I suppose this is now a SM 2.6.1 "BUG" !
>>>>> I cannot erase just one where duplicates are shown - if I try, then both 
>>>>> are
>>>>> erased.
>>>>> I would post the list just to show you all, but that is like posting one's
>>>>> bank
>>>>> records.
>>>>> DoctorBill
>>>> No need to - I just looked at mine with "Password Manager" and on some of 
>>>> the
>>>> domains there *ARE* duplicate entries.  Interesting.  These duplicate
>>>> entries do
>>>> NOT show or print when using the .htm program I mentioned about.  Sorry I 
>>>> took
>>>> off on the wrong foot with the problem - I haven't used Password Manager 
>>>> enough
>>>> to look at things.
>>> W3BNR -
>>> "These duplicate entries do NOT show or print when using the .htm program I
>>> mentioned about."
>>> Oh yes they do !  My printout has many of them !
>>> Again - is this a SM 2.6.1 "BUG" that needs attention !
>>> Maybe the development team need to examine this issue...
>>> BTW - Is W3BNR a Ham Radio License Number ?
>>> My Dad was W9KPD back in the 40's.
>>> DoctorBill
>> Weird - my printout from the .htm page only shows one each for those that 
>> have
>> both a http:// and https:// URL.  All others only show up once.  I've gone
>> through them - put them in an ascii editor and A-Z sorted them.
>> Some *DO* have the same Host/User/Password *BUT* the "Submit URL" is 
>> different.
>> Unfortunately Password Manager does not show the "Submit URL".  It only shows
>> the "Host URL" ("Website").
>> Those with "NULL" as a "Submit URL" appear only one time unless there is 
>> both a
>> http:// and https:// in the "Host URL" (Website).
>> Also those where the "Host URL" (Website) is the same as the "Submit URL' 
>> only
>> show once unless there is both http:// and https:// in the "Host URL" 
>> (Website)
>> Note;  "Host URL" is from the .htm page and "Website" is the term used by
>> Password Manager.
>> Yes, W3BNR is a ham call.  I've been licensed since 1955. (No fair trying to
>> guess how old I am).  And I've been in the data processing/computer field 
>> since
>> 1959.
> If you say so.
> I haven't got a clue what you said, however.
> I know 'Username' and 'Password'.
> The rest - Technical Jargon.
> All I know is, that I have to put up with double (and I found quadruple)
> username and password entries in the usernames thrown up when I click on a
> site's login.
> Have fun with this you developers....
> Thanks for your efforts to edikate me.
> DoctorBill

Well, I'll go out on a limb and say "Don't remove any unless you're prepared to
enter user and password the next time you vist the webpage".

Password Manager is not showing the entire entry and there are (based on my
looking at them) differences between each supposedly 'duplicated' entry.

I'll let the experts look at it.  I made my comments on the bug listing.

Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR in any case.

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