Daniel wrote:
reading the Bugzilla report you quoted, in the first entry the poster said he 
had 7.6GB Inbox (including all his sub-inboxes). 7.6GB...what the heck for??

I am not such a pack rat. My entire SM profile is running around 2GB.

The two main accounts I use, have MANY folders under - thus that are seeing 
this problem - have an InBox size of 27.2 MB and 66 MB. (That is just the inbox 

In total I have around 1500 folders, most heavily / deeply nested.

I wonder if SM is having troubles indexing the sub-folders and indexing the sub-sub-folders, and is 
not so much "losing their children" but rather "taking it's time re-indexing 

I switched off automatic compact back during use of TB.

It seems to me to be related to my use of filters to move messages to the correct folder. The folders will be fine, a message comes in, and suddenly when I expand out a folder at InBox level to see the new message (several folders deep), then sometimes the destination folder is not visible (along with many other folders loosing their children). I then open a new instance of SM Mail, close the old one, and read my message I received.

I collapse folder trees at the folder just under the InBox. Both TB and SM are able to remember which subfolders I wanted open/closed within each subtree, thus I use that to my advantage and leave critical path sub,sub-sub,sub-sub-sub branches always open and simply collapse the folder directly off the InBox. When I want to reopen that subtree, I click the folder just off the InBox, and to my annoyance SM FREQUENTLY is unable to correctly display the entire subtree correctly.

Additionally, I wonder how often you "File->Compact Folder" on each of your 
mail accounts, sub-accounts, sub-sub...........

Weekly, when I do my SM profile backups I do:

1) Delete all Junk mail
2) File \ Empty Trash
3) File \ Compact Folders

on each account's InBox folder. I see the compact operation enumerate correctly 
through each accounts folder tree structure via the status bar.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
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