On 1/23/12 10:23 AM, Sailfish wrote:
> My bloviated meandering follows what David E. Ross graced us with on 
> 1/23/2012 10:08 AM:
>> On 1/23/12 12:07 AM, Sailfish wrote:
>>> My bloviated meandering follows what David E. Ross graced us with on 
>>> 1/22/2012 11:23 PM:
>>>> On 1/22/12 7:45 PM, Sailfish wrote [in part]:
>>>>> You 
>>>>> should bring this up to the owner's attention.
>>>> I would indeed notify the extension's developer.  However:
>>>> *  The AMO site provides no contact info.
>>>> *  The developer's site <http://nc.ddns.us/extensions.html> is very
>>>> confusing about reporting problems.
>>>> *  There is no real way to submit a bug report against any AMO extension.
>>> Did you try the Forum+Support nav button on the left sidebar?
>> Yes.  For individual threads, I see the note "No permission to post a
>> reply".  For the appropriate forum, I see the note "No permission to
>> post new topics".
> If there were recent posts from others, maybe there's a registration 
> required?

I suspect registration and login are actually required.  However, at the
top of <http://nc.ddns.us/forum/>, there is the statement, all in bold:
"Registration is NOT required to post in user forums." with "NOT"


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
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