David H. Durgee wrote:
chicagofan wrote:
I don't know if it's because I added the Mozilla server first, which
worked OK for awhile, but when I tried to add eternal-september.org all
I could get was a news account with no connection. Couldn't download
newsgroups, and I won't waste time telling you how bad it got at times.

I just need to know how, and IF I can set this news server up with the
u/n and password to get connected? Please take pity on me, I'm dealing
with a new Win7 O/S and a new SM 2.7... and both have text and symbols
that are almost illegible for these old eyes. :)

I am using news.individual.net and news.ecomstation.com in addition to
news.mozilla.org here.  I had this setup under 2.6.1 and 2.0.13 before
that and it has continued to work fine.  In fact the problem with lost
name/password over time is now gone with the 2.7 release.


I never had a problem with the SM updates and news servers on the same machine either. It's installing this new 2.7 version on a new laptop that is giving me problems. I've contacted the news service and hopefully they will have some other suggestions besides the "authenticate" option I have already checked. :)

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