Larry S. wrote:
Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
Larry S. wrote:
That's three in a row. First it was 2.6.1, then 2.7, and now 2.7.1. In
each case, I attempted to download through "check for updates", and in
each case SM installed and ended with the Release Notes/Changes page.
However, when I leave the page and attempt to start SM, I get "XULRunner
Couldn't read application.ini". Yes, every time.

So, off to (yikes!) IE to try another download. Finally worked each
time, although I wind up with a very slow SM which eventually gets

So, what's happening here? How do I avoid it? Is it better to d/l
through IE than SM?

(Yes, I'm now in the habit of making a fresh copy of my profile before
d/l the new version, and I also keep a copy of the setup file for the
current and previous versions, in case I can't get the new one for some
reason. Thank heavens!)

Can you please open a bug on it, CC me and attach to it your
"last-update.log" So I can try and track this down.

On Win7 you can find that log in:


You might have to show hidden files and folders or some such to see the

Would love to help, but as a real amateur here:
-- No idea how to open a bug, and definitely wouldn't know the answers
to items in bug report headings;
-- Am on WinXP, where there doesn't seem to be a "C:\\Users" folder
I get the exact same "XUL Runner" error message whenever I tried to update beyond 2.5, and I never use to have any problem with any updates. I've posted previously about this but no one ever replied.
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