Le 14 février 2012, Doors a écrit :

What happened to 'File' in bookmarks, it used to be easy, direct and
You selected file, it popped up a tree viewyou could scrioll if needed,
and you clicked where you wanted it, now you have to use some funky
folder menu you you have to open then navigate, I used to be able to
just click, now I have to navigate, why?

Agreed. But you get the tree by clicking the rightmost arrow of the Folder: line (BTW, having two arrows side-by-side is akward and puzzling).

Another SQL file?
Is importing a text file hard?
I used to manage my cookies with notepad++, now I have an unholy
disaster of an interface I am forced to use.

I think using an SQL database editor would fit your need. But the learning curve might be rather steep...

Simple text and html files work just fine, why push all this fancy stuff
that takes more CPU time to run?

Not so sure.

Once it is memory, it is all just a table anyway, what difference does
it make how they are stored on the disc?

With data nicely structured on disk, you need not load it entirely in memory. Also, a plain array of data is certainly not the best way to manage structured data (like sorted data, or trees).

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