Larry S. wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Larry S. wrote:
For reasons too long to go into here, I installed SM 2.7.1 over 2.72.
After a series of problems and actions, I wound up back on 2.7.2.
However, SM seemed like it couldn't find my profile, or at least parts
of it. I fixed my home page through preferences, and bookmarks, address
book, and the like are available, but SM insisted that I set up new mail
and news accounts. I did so, but haven't seen the messages I had before
so am wondering how to get the rest of my mail back.

My profile is still where it should be in the file structure, but I
can't get the mail. It doesn't show up in the mail pane, although it's
there in the file in the profile. How can I recover the information?

One unrelated question (less important)--when I open a tab, it goes
behind the existing tab, thus requiring another click to open it. That
didn't happen before. What should I do to fix this?

All help and suggestions greatly appreciated.


Larry, have a look at Tools->Switch Profiles. Do you have more than one
profile available?? If so, select the other one and see if it contains
your missing mail.

Report back.

Sadly, only one profile. Thank you for the thought, however.
Hmmm . . . Wonder if bringing in the backup copy of the oprifile would
work? (Need to rename the one that's there now, or give the "new" one a
different name?)


O.K., Larry, next step, in SeaMonkey, have a look at Edit->Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings, select "Server Settings" on your mail account. Note the location of your Local directory on the bottom of that screen.

Completely close  SeaMonkey.

You're using Windows so open your file manager and find the location of your e-mail account. You have have Windows set to not display more than two or three levels down. You need to set Windows to display all folders and files.

Do a Windows "Find Folders and Files" looking for "inbox" (without the quotes). Hopefully, the search will find more than one inbox without the suffix, apart from the location you noted above.

In the Windows file manager, locate these other inbox's, change their names to inbox2, inbox3, etc, and move them into the same location as your inbox location above.

Now, re-start SeaMonkey and, hopefully, you will find more than one inbox in your mail profile, with the others containing your lost mail.

Report back.

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