WLS wrote:
On 02/25/2012 10:16 AM, Arne wrote:
Smiles wrote:
My wife has been trying to post a comment to this page for some time I
resorted to IE to see submit section


any ideas what is wrong

Blogspot don't like old Seamonkey versions any more.
I still have 2.0.14 and have the same problem. You have an even older

I changed the user agent string in about:config to
Firefox/11.0 SeaMonkey/2.8 (that's what WLS has in a more recent SM

And I was able to at least see the comment submit area, but I don't
tried to post any comment there. Have to try it somewhere else. ;)

If I had I wouldn't have responded, or responded with "Your SeaMonkey
2.0.3 is out dated and should no longer be supported, update to
SeaMonkey 2.7.2."

I may update sometime in the future, if the developers can make the newer versions work as we (as users) want it to work. At the moment there has been to much complaints about all new versions, after 2.0.14, about issues I don't like in the newer versions.

I'm also sick of updating the browser several times every moth, with the following hassle to get it work the same way as before the update, with e.g. add-ons and extensions I need but don't work.

Since the easiest way now to update, is to unistall 2.0.14 and start from scratch with a new version, I am in the process to move all my new mail correspondence to an other mail software, so I at least have them safe when/if the time comes to upgrade. Also bookmarks is to be saved as a web page.

I have tried some other browsers, in case I have to abandon SM. Also use them if I have to, but I don't like the way all new browser versions are taking. I like what I have now with SM 2.0.14 and would appreciate if new versions could stay that way.

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