My experience has shown that It DOES NOT work the same way as for http sites.
So far,all http sites are accepted and (i think - because i have so few) all https sites are ignored.
 So i have "downloaded" that add-on and as they say, We Shall See.


Quoting "David E. Ross" <nobody@nowhere.invalid>:

On 2/24/12 7:49 PM, wrote:

  How do i get the username / password capture to work for https sites?

It works the same way as for http sites.  The problem is that some http
and https sites have code that blocks the saving of passwords.  This can
be overcome in most (not all) cases with the Remember Passwords
extension from

For a few sites that use a JavaScript-generated window for login (e.g.,
Slashdot), I disable JavaScript before selecting the Login link to get
an alternative login Web page.  I then enable JavaScript before
selecting the Login button on that page.  I use the PrefBar extension to
toggle between enable and disable for JavaScript; there is a checkbox
for this on the PrefBar toolbar.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
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