Daniel wrote:

Also have SM 64 bit on my Windows 7 Pro!! Very few problems
on either! Check out "Contributed Builds" at bottom of page

So where do I look for mention of a 64-bit Windows binary ?
All I see under "Contributed builds" is as follows :

Contributed builds (other platforms)

These are unofficial builds and may be configured
differently than the official SeaMonkey builds. Please read
their "readme" files for further information.

Linux/x86_64 Linux/x86_64 .tar.bz2 (readme) (MD5 sum) (SHA1

SeaMonkey 2.8 Beta 4

Released February 25, 2012

Release Notes - The release notes describe new changes,
system requirements, installation instructions, and known
issues in this release - please read them carefully before
using this version of SeaMonkey!

This preview of SeaMonkey's future is available from the
SeaMonkey 2.8 Beta 4 download page.

Incidentally, I just clicked on the English (British) language
pack, and Seamonkey told me (more uncopyable text : PLEASE make
the contents of all textual content copyable)

[blue jigsaw piece icon] Seamonkey prevented this site
(www.sea-monkey-project.org) from asking you to install
software on your computer.  [Install software | V]

Why would Seamonkey want to prevent its own reference site
from asking me to install software on my computer.  And
why (unrelated question) does the pop-up warning me of
these disappear as soon as I try to transcribe its contents
into this "Compose" window even if both applications are running
as non-overlapped windows ?  And one final (also completely
unrelated) question : why is "Edit/rewrap" non-determinstic ?
Every time I use it, without changing a single jot or tittle,
the line breaks change.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

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