NoOp wrote:
> On 03/14/2012 07:22 AM, Larry S. wrote:
>> SM 2.7.2
>>  From time to time I would find, among other message headers on this 
>> group. a listing for one with no subject but a date of 12/31/69 at 7:00 
>> p.m., marked read. Recently I began to get two of these, and now today I 
>> got three of them, including one marked unread. When I clicked the 
>> "star" to mark it read, a few of the other headers also were then marked 
>> read, although they weren't. No, I've never tried to open one.
>> Any thoughts? Am I the only one getting these?
>> Larry (puzzled)
> It's a server issue & yes, I've gotten these on this newsgroup for as
> long as I can remember.
> If you click on one you will get:
> ====
> Error!
> newsgroup server responded:no such article in group
> Perhaps the article has expired
> <> (69911)
> Click here to remove all expired articles
> ====
> And even if you click to 'remove all expired articles' they will go away
> for awhile - or at least while you keep the newsgroup open.
Yes, I get these almost every day with the date 12/31/1969 5:00PM, I
click remove expired messages and the delete but it is annoying.

   You either teach people to treat you with dignity and respect, or you don't. 
This means you are partly responsible for the mistreatment that you get at the 
hands of someone else. 

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