Thanks for your valuable reaction.

Jens Hatlak wrote, On 15/03/2012 23:16:
Ray_Net wrote:
I have installed firebug on my SM. so far so good.
I hate "tabs" ... but each tile i start SM i have a stupid tag opened
with firebug release version details.

Well, it would be /very/ helpful to know which version of FB you installed. I can see from your UA that you're using SM 2.7.2, but not which version of FB.
The fireBug i have installed is the 1.9.1

After doeing some research i modify in about:config:
extensions.firebug.showFirstRunPage set to FALSE.

This should be set automatically by FB version 1.9.x. For FB 1.10, only the next alpha version will contain a fix, but those versions are only experimental and to be used by testers using SM trunk anyway.
So i should wait until FB 1.11 ?

Can i contact the FireBug author ?

They have a bug tracker:
I did not find my "extensions.firebug.showFirstRunPage" issue
So i entered my problem description:

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