Daniel <d...@albury.nospam.net.au>  wrote :

> Jean Zebloski wrote:
>> Rufus<n...@home.com>   wrote :
>>> Jean Zebloski wrote:
>>>> Since installing SM 2.8 I'm getting some problems. When I click a link
>>>> in another program now, instead of popping up the SM window, it
>>>> doesn't. SM goes to the link but I have to click the SM task bar icon
>>>> to go to see it.
>>>> Things also seem slower now too.
>>>> Is 2.8 screwed up?
>>> That problem was there from SM 2.7 Mac also - bug #724293.
>>> If you use Spaces on a Mac you'll likely also notice that 2.8 doesn't
>>> shift to the SM Space or return to Open from Minimize either - bug
>>> #735946.
>>> I hadn't noticed it being slower, but I have gone back to 2.7.2 because
>>> of the above.
>> How do I go back and still keep everything like my bookmarks and 
> Jean, from the header of your message, I cannot tell what operating 
> system you are using, but I'm guessing Windows, so these should work.

Yeah, Win 7, sorry for not saying.

> First things first.....back-up your profile! In SeaMonkey, have a look 
> at Edit->Mail & Newsgroup Settings and select "Server Settings" for your 
> e-mail accounts. At the bottom of this screen is your Local directory 
> location. This is where your profile is stored. Make a copy of the 
> profile or use a program called MozBackup to make a copy.
> Next....Download a copy of SM 2.7.2 from www.seamonkey-project.org.

I just went this far and ran the install and it appears to have worked 
fine, thanks!

Came right up after the install with all my saved toolbar tabs, latest 
bookmarks and everyhing. THANK YOU Dan!
> Three....Install SM 2.7.2 over the top of your current SM 2.8. To find 
> where your SM 2.8 is installed, right click on your desktop icon and 
> note the location listed under "properties".
> Four....to connect to your profile, in SeaMonkey, select Tools->Switch 
> Profiles->Manage Profiles->Create Profile, give it a name and, on the 
> same screen, "Choose Folder" and point it to the folder (has a name 
> something like efbj6hdb.default) that contains your old profile.
> Report back.

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