Interviewed by CNN on 21/03/2012 02:18, Mike C told the world:
> Is there a way to Use Wingdings in SM mail?

I don't think so. Not easily, anyway. The problem with
wingdings/webdings and other dingbat fonts is that they aren't Unicode
fonts, so there's no way to provide a "fallback" glyph if the recipient
happens to not have that particular font: the recipient has to have a
compatible font, that is, one with the the glyphs in the exact same
order, AND to be configured to map the fonts correctly if they don't
have the exact same name.

Since e-mail (and Webmaking, for that matter) is a medium where you have
*no* control over the environment where it will be read, this is
discouraged -- because it's a recipe for broken pages.

Say you pick a nice broad arrow pointing right in Wingdings3; this is
character 0xE2. Unless the recipient has Wingdings 3, he won't be able
to see the arrow. Even having a large Unicode font, like Arial Sans
Unicode (which, I'm pretty sure, does have glyphs for right-pointing
arrows), won't be any help, because 0xE2 in any Unicode font points to
the character "รข". Even having a different Wingding font won't help,
because, for instance, in WingDings2 this code points to an asterisk.

Yes, Windows and Macs usually do have this font installed. So what? This
is no longer a Windows-only world. For instance, AFAIK Android phones
and tablets don't come with a Wingdings-compatible font. Same, I think,
for Blackberries. (I have seen some info that IOS devices do have
Wingdings, but apparently it's called "Wingdings-regular" there.) In the
Linux world, you can't be certain that there will be a compatible font
installed. And so on.

Is it POSSIBLE? Well, maybe. Seamonkey Mail and Composer won't even list
fonts with weird glyph mappings, such as Wingdings. But there might be
some way to work around it. I just don't think it's worth the trouble.

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