On 12-04-01 8:21 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 12-03-31 3:35 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:

It would seem that someone feels that they can't defend the lack of
choice *OR* explain why can't/shouldn't be fixed, so they just keep
pretending the issue doesn't exist.

Bill, that is borderline on a personal attack. If you have question
about a change, just ask. Take the time to investigate a change before
making any judgment, and most certainly before judging the attitude of
individual developers.

Closing the bug repeatedly with no explanation of WONTFIX, no assertion
that it's not a bug, no explanation of why it would be bad to make it
work in a way that doesn't adversely impact users... that seems to
justify my conclusion that the developers are unresponsive, and opening
the bug twice would seem to justify an explanation. Is there some
special channel to "just ask" other than the BZ entry? I'm sure the OP
will use it!

If one person seems to have bad bugzilla etiquette, that doesn't mean he/she is pretending an issue doesn't exist, or that it applies to all developers. Plus, if you read the bug, there was an attempt to explain it in comment 3.

For that matter would it have taken more time to post a few sentences on
in the bug as to why it won't be fixed than to write a paragraph
characterizing it as a personal attack?

I don't see anything in the bug about personal attacks, so I assume you're saying that *I* should have posted an explanation in the bug.

I'm not the person who closed the bug. I don't know or care why the bug was wontfixed. I'm a moderator of this SeaMonkey user support newsgroup. My job is to keep this newsgroup civil and focused on SeaMonkey user support. If you've got questions about development, try asking in the mozilla.dev.apps.seamonkey newsgroup. But you didn't have a question.

Remember that every person in bugzilla and in this newsgroup is a human being. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if someone jumped to accusations and judgments about you. I haven't seen any posts in this newsgroup from the person you're attacking, so that person is most likely not reading this group. If your post wasn't about user support, why did you post that message?

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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