Interviewed by CNN on 11/05/2012 18:37, Rubens told the world:

> I have been able to access my bank services using Seamonkey by 
> installing the
> "User Agent Switcher" extension and configuring that to spoof Firefox 11.
> Now, the bank is requiring customers to install a proprietary "security" 
> extension
> developed for Firefox, but that does not install, saying it is not 
> compatible with Seamonkey 2.9.1.
> I have also tried to install the "checkCompatibility 1.3" extension but 
> it did not help.

Rubens, I'm guessing you are from Brazil like me?

Well... here's the thing: those "security add-ons" apparently have
binary modules, and as such they *have* to be recompiled for every new
Mozilla browser version. Hacking the RDF is not enough. For instance,
Itaú STILL hasn't released a Firefox 12-compatible version of their
plugin, so I wasn't able to update Firefox yet (they tell me the new
version should be ready by May 16, by the way... I don't know how is the
situation in other banks, but it seems to be about the same, for all
banks that use G-Buster security technology)

Even if you hack the RDF to list Seamonkey as compatible, you still
probably won't be able to install the plugin in Seamonkey 2.9.1 --
because it's the wrong Gecko version. It *might* be possible to fool it
into installing on Seamonkey 2.8, or perhaps after the new version of
the plugin is (finally) released.

Myself, I sorta gave up on using Seamonkey for banking. It's the banks'
fault for using heavy-handed, poorly-supported security solutions. What
I'm doing now is this: I have a folder with Portable Firefox 11 which I
use *only* for banking. That way, its out-of-date status does not impact
my regular browsing. Being the Portable version, it doesn't try to steal
the "default browser" setting from Seamonkey (and I can even have a
regular, updated, copy of Firefox too, if I wish).

It's a bother, but it's still WAY, WAY better than using Internet
Explorer for banking -- besides all the reasons not to like IE (and I
see you are on XP, so you can't even have the slightly-less-evil IE9),
the Internet Explorer version of the G-Buster so-called "security
solution" installs as a rootkit, and causes all sorts of problems.


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