Rufus wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 05/25/2012 06:48 PM, Rufus wrote:
NoOp wrote:
On 05/25/2012 02:56 PM, Rufus wrote:
NoOp wrote:
This thread (mine from 2009) might be of interest:

Try the first recommendation by Ricardo (setting email query times). And
as a swag: set "mail.biff.on_new_window" to false.

Well...that's why I asked the question about checking in the background
- I have (and have always had) my Mail pref set to check for new mail
manually; i.e., "check for new messages every X minutes" is unchecked,
as is "check for new messages at startup".  It's interesting that my
Mail account is a POP3 account, though. If this bug does apply, then SM
is also ignoring my pref setting(s) in this regard as well.

I just checked about: config, and "mail.biff.on_new_window" *is* set to what?..

Punt? Perhaps find another Mac user with the same system&   compare?
Don't know what else to suggest.

Yeah...I'm out of airspeed and ideas myself.  Everything seems "normal"
on the surface.  And slightly under it.

FWIW, the same thing is happening on all *four* of my systems/installs -
an Intel Core 2 Duo iMac, a PPC iMac, an Intel Core 2 Macbook Pro, and
an Intel i7 Mac Mini.

Sounds like a Mac issue :-)

Seriously, it's probably an issue with the Mac build as I've not seen
this for several years on linux or Windows builds.

That was what I've been thinking.  Mac users?..anybody?..else?..

Mac User,
MacBookPro5,4 - Intel Core 2 Duo
OS 10.6.8
SeaMonkey Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120429 Firefox/12.0 SeaMonkey/2.9.1

Seem to recall seeing this problem a year or two back, but not recently.

Have OTHER minor annoyances with SeaMonkey (IMAP connection seems to hang reasonably regularly, seems to kill my smartmon daemon periodically) - but I think these are interactions with funnies in my system, rather than SeaMonkey problems per se.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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