
On 05/31/12 12:40 pm, Richard B. Rood thus wrote :
> I have been having a problem where the destination folder in my mail
> filters get changed.   If I have a list of filters, and for example, the
> destination folder is dest_folder_xx1, then the symptom is that
> dest_folder_xx1 gets placed as the destination filter in ALL filters
> following that first one in the list.  I have about 100 filters, and
> this has happened 3 times.  Twice in the last 24 hours.
> I have been doing a lot of filter management, moving and renaming mail
> folders, etc.
> Any idea on the pathology?

First, I would schedule a disk check. On other operating systems, I've
had caching issues chew up settings in my msgFilterRules.dat file (I'
too, have close to 100 filters). I've also recently seen this with saved
search folder settings (that file is located in the main profile
directory, whereas the filter configuration itself is stored in the mail
account directory).

Keep a backup of msgFilterRules.dat on hand, so that you can easily
restore your settings should you notice something awry again.

Best advice from here, off the top of my head.


Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS
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