Rufus wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Craig wrote:
Craig wrote:
I find the process to edit cookies very difficult now.

What happened to the "Delete All Cookies" button?

While looking for the highlighting checkbox, I found it.

One might expect it to be on the window Privacy & Security --> Cookies,
but one would be wrong.

It's on the window Privacy & Security. It's under the private data
that's cleared by the "Clear Now" button. One has to have the "Cookies"
box checked.

Or else you can set SM to accept only session cookies. Then whenever you
restart SM, all cookies are cleared.

...*except* ones that are set before you select the option and start a
new session.  I've found this to be a very handy way of retaining login
cookies for just the sites I want while limiting other sites to session

For ex: you have a Home page that uses a login cookie.  Login, delete
any cookies not desired, Allow Session cookies only, then immediatly
close SM.  At the start of the next session SM will .

Dang fat fingers...

...*except* ones that are set before you select the option and start a
new session.  I've found this to be a very handy way of retaining login
cookies for just the sites I want while limiting other sites to session

For ex: you have a Home page that uses a login cookie.  Login, delete
any cookies not desired, Allow Session cookies only, then immediately
close SM.  At the start of the next session SM will retain the
previously set login cookie and only allow session cookies from that
point forward.

I've been doing this for years, it's very handy.

Thanks Rufus - Very useful tip

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