Daniel wrote:
Rod wrote:
Hi I know you folk are really totally windows centric, so
don't ignore linux or apple versions they have their place in OS land

T/he tgz2 file after decompression crashes going back a page especially
on the ABC aust website but others too.


Gone back to 2.91 and 2.8 which are still branded 2.10 but don't crash,
guess their existing code repairs something bad in 2.10 code./


Rod, don't tar us all with that one "windows centric" brush.

I dual boot Mandriva Linux and Win7, vastly favouring MD, and I wouldn't
say TPTB here ignore Linux or Mac, but, if only a (relative) few in
general community use Mac/Linux, then it is reasonable to expect only a
(relative) few in SeaMonkey Dev community use Mac/Linux. However....

I'm currently using :-

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120604

and have been, mainly, updating since about 2.0, however I did do a d/l
of the complete 2.7 or 2.8 and been updating since then.

So if you have SM 2.9.1 working to your satisfaction, maybe you could
update to 2.10 by Help->Check for Updates!

Rod, in my last, I forgot to mention that I opened my local ABC page, Goulburn-Murray, went to National page, selected "Radio" from top menu, selected, ABC Local Radio tab, selected "Tropical Queensland", looked at the article about Bowls (including playing part of video), back two levels to Local Radio page, selected "Broken Hill", played part of the audio about "Silver City- Solar City", went up three levels to the National Radio page and had a look at Dig Radio, back up to the ABC homepage, then ABC Grandstand, then Cricket page to check the W.I. v Eng test score.

Hope you consider that a reasonable work-out, without a problem!


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