Beauregard T. Shagnasty schrieb:
> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>> Using SM 2.10.1
>> Every day I get email spam that has a future date so that it stays on
>> the top of my email list. These usually have tomorrow's date but some
>> have next month's date and the latest has the year 2038. I need a filter
>> which will inspect the date and move anything with a date in the future
>> to the "Junk" folder. I suspect the answer may be in setting up a filter
>> using "Age In Days" as one of the criteria. Has anyone done this?
> Do you have spam filtering turned on, Arnie?  Seems to me that if a) you 
> get that much of it, and b) you've been "Marking as Junk", this spam 
> should already be being sent directly to Junk.
> The very few spams that get by my (own) mail server's SpamAssassin filters 
> all end up in Junk, after one or two "Mark as Junk."

My "Junk" does not read any date. Junk is Junk
and sm kills it like all other.

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