Daniel schreef:
Daniel wrote:
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:13.0)
Gecko/20120615 Firefox/13.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.10.1

I've just re-booted to apply the 2.10.1 update, but even in 2.10......

When I select a message in my inbox, the message is displayed in the
message pane, complete with header information.

Same for any of the other folders on my e-mail account.....except for
the Sent folder!!.

When I select the sent folder, the message title (31 emails) information
shows up in the thread pane, but when I select a message of the sent
folder in the thread pane, there is nothing shown in the message pane,
not even header information.

I updated to SM 2.10.1 to see if that would fix things, but no go!!

Is it just me? Or.........

As I type this, I remember that yesterday, I booted into Win7 to update
the system/anti-virus/malware/etc, and then I ran the AV, AVG I think,
and it said it found a virus in an email, in the sent folder and in the
mail account and then reported that it had isolated the virus, or
whatever.  Does this mean its moved my "sent" folder out of the profile
and the thread pane is just displaying the email title information that
is contained in "sent.msf"??

If this is the case, how can I reclaim my sent files??

I'm now guessing this is the case as I've checked the AVG Vault folder
and see three folders (2 x fil and 1 x idx), all created yesterday, so
how can I reclaim my sent files??

On advice I received on the alt.windows7.general group on my Usenet
server, I received advice to check out the AVG Virus Vault to locate my
sent e-mail folder. I restored the file, deleted an e-mail I had sent
reporting a scam e-mail (supposedly from paypal, probably), compacted
the profile and re-ran the AVG........all clear this time!....Luckily.

Nice to hear that you could solve your problem with the messages in the SM Sent folder. AVG is a good Antivirus program but somtimes it makes mistakes with false positives.


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