Is there a real-time JavaScript/JS monitor to see what is going on from its CPU hogging in my Mozilla web browsers?

On 7/3/2012 8:35 PM PT, Ant typed:


Lately, I noticed two (soon to be more? I will post more that I find
since I am a web addict ;)) web sites/pages are currently sucking my web
browsers' CPU powers. They sometimes make web browsers very slow
(sometimes unusable). I found out it is from JavaScript/JS because it
stops if I disable JS and reload/refresh the web pages. Of course, web
site/pages' features/functions don't work.

Example web pages/sites:
1. stories like this story/web page:

2. and its family of web sites. Example
web page:

I can reproduce them on three different computers (quad core systems
with 2.5-8 GB of RAM), two Mozilla's web browsers (SeaMonkey v2.0.14 and
2.10.1 and Firefox/Iceweasel v13.0.1) and operating systems (64-bit
Windows 7 HPE, XP Pro. SP3, and Debian stable). I even tried disabling
all of my extensions. Also, this happened at work and home with two
different ISPs/Internet connections. :(

Is anyone else able to reproduce this and seeing this problem on other
web sites/pages? Why is it happening recently? I noticed this pattern
since the last weekend. :(

Thank you in advance. :)
"... Ooh, we haven't done that in a long time. I love picnics. I'll bring my ant jar." --The Berenstain Bears (unknown episode)
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