Ed Mullen wrote:
> Jim Taylor wrote:
>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>> Jim Taylor wrote:
>>>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>>>> A friend who uses me as their tech support "guy" wrote that she
>>>>> and her husband can't access Gmail on their XP systems.  Okay on
>>>>> an Acer tablet, okay on W7 systems.
>>>>> I tried on my W7 systems, it's fine.  Tried on an XP system and no
>>>>> good.
>>>>> I tried deleting the XP Google cookies and trying again:  No go.
>>>>> Tried Safe Mode, no go.
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> I just tested and have no problems accessing Gmail on my XP system.
>>>> "Can't access Gmail" isn't really much of a description of the
>>>> problem. What are the exact symptoms - don't get the sign in
>>>> screen?  Get the sign in screen and can't sign in?  If so what
>>>> message (password incorrect?  clear stored passwords).  Get signed
>>>> in but don't get the mailbox.  It's difficult to diagnose a
>>>> problem without knowing the symptoms.
>>>> --.
>>>> Jim
>>> Gmail site just sits there and spins, no reply from Gmail, I gave up
>>> waiting for it to time out.
>> This doesn't sound like a SeaMonkey problem, can they access it from
>> IE?  Is that machine using the same DNS servers as the ones that can
>> connect?  Can you connect by IP ( )?
>> Interestingly July 9 was when the FBI was supposed to shut down the
>> DNSChanger malware servers so if that's when it quit working I would
>> check to make sure it isn't infected with the DNSChanger malware.
> Notes:
> 1.  XP PC regular profile doesn't work, Try to log into gmail and it
> sits forever trying to load the page.
> 2.  regular profile in Safe Mode, same thing
> 3.  regular profile all plugins and extensions disabled, same thing.
> Deleted and allow all google cookies did not help.
> 4.  New profile works fine
> 5.  DNS is fine
> Still no idea what is up with my friends' PCs nor why my wife's XP SM
> profile wouldn't work.   I migrated all her stuff to a new profile.
> They wouldn't be able to migrate their profiles on their own so it'll
> have to wait until I can remote into their systems.

I access g-mail from Firefox running on XP, and what you describe 
occasionally happens to me. Try disabling javascript for the log-in (with 
prefbar you can do this on the gui). 

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