On 7/25/2012 8:25 PM PT, »Q« typed:

The terms 'compressed' and 'optimized' are questionable here.  The
database is rebuilt;  the data is compressed within it, but the file
size doesn't change, so you don't gain any disk space.  Also,
rebuilding slows some db operations, so doing it too often will hurt
performance somewhat.

You could change the value of places.last_vacuum every day to
constantly fool SeaMonkey into thinking the database hasn't been
rebuilt in over a month, which should trigger frequent rebuilding.  That
would be a bad idea, but if you want to do it anyway, it's measured in

Thanks. Bummer that it doesn't compress/shrink. :(
Allah's Apostle said, "Once while a prophet amongst the prophets was taking a rest underneath a tree, an ant bit him. He, therefore, ordered that his luggage be taken away from underneath that tree and then ordered that the dwelling place of the ants should be set on fire. Allah sent him a revelation: 'Wouldn't it have been sufficient to burn a single ant (that bit you)?'" --Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 54, Number 536
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