Has anyone in the U.S. been able to view NBC's live streaming broadcasts
of the Olympics on the Web from

No matter what sport I select, I get a page with the Olympics 2012/NBC
logo on the right and a blank frame on the left.  When I try to report
this, NBC's Help/Contact page insists that I have the wrong CAPTCHA

Windows XP SP3
SeaMonkey 2.11 but spoofing Firefox 14.0.1
Flash 11.3 r300(268) (FlashBlock disabled)
Cookies accepted from ALL sources
Images accepted from ALL sources
AdBlock Plus disabled
JavaScript enabled
Broadband connection via Time Warner Cable (RoadRunner)

No, I'm not using "Advertise Firefox compatibility".  Instead, my UA
string is
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
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