sean nathan wrote:
Philip TAYLOR wrote, On 08/09/2012 04:07 PM:

Hartmut Figge wrote:

I do not see 'all sizes' on that page. But i may be blind. ;)

More likely, not looking unde "Actions".

thanks phillip, they've changed the drop down menus lately... actions
then all sizes...

but i shouldn't have to do that...

there's no photo showing where it should be...

i just see the thumbnails to the right, scrolling thru them just give me
more blank white photospace... i just disabled the shockwave flash
plugins and clicked on the "check to see if your plugins are up to date:

I see what looks like women in a frilly skirt with her legs reflected in a window with leaves on a pathway outside.

For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Java.
Please upgrade to the latest version.

okay... have downloaded the/jre-7u5-linux-x64.tar.gz now... being a
relative linux n00b, where does one unpack the tar.gz to exactly?


Sean, go back to where you downloaded the tar.gz file from and you should find a link to installation instructions.

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