Bill Davidsen wrote:
Bill Davidsen wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Jim Taylor wrote, On 28/05/2012 01:18:
sean nathan wrote:
is there something going on with the servers that would
cause m to have an incessantly spininng cursor when connected to this


It's not the servers, it's a bug
Where we can use a work-around:
Under about:config put ui.use_activity_cursor false

I wouldn't call that a work-around, it disables the cursor function to
tell you
when things are (still) happening. If you want a work-around tap the
ESC key
which may actually stop the background activity causing the cursor
spin. Since
that make the CPU usage go down, at least in Linux, I assume that the
real issue
is that some background activity is still running a loop checking if
is complete and sleeping if it isn't.

I would rather have the activity notification present and stop the
activity manually when I see something running, as opposed to
selecting an
option which amounts to "something undesirable is happening, I won't
Generally in computing ignorance is not bliss.

After checking this problem a bit, it actually may be a server issue, in
that 4-5 other servers I visit which have lots of unread articles don't
show this behavior. The cursor spin briefly while the network activity
indicator is on, then stops without intervention on most other servers
other than mozilla servers.

I shall investigate more, but I post now so people can see if this
matches their observations.

Bill, I also get the no stop spinning icon in the Accounts and Threads parts of the SM screen, have don so since about 2.7 or 2.8

Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120715 Firefox/14.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.11

Tried your tip about tapping Esc....does not work for me!!

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