On 09/12/2012 01:02 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 09/10/2012 03:16 AM, Lucas Levrel wrote:
>> Le 7 septembre 2012, NoOp a écrit :
>>> You need to change the permissions. This works for me (although the
>>> window size is not ideal (for my monitor):
>>> $ ls -al evince-patched
>>> -rwxrwxr-- 1<snipped> 214 Sep  7 18:06 evince-patched
>> Thanks, but that doesn't work for me (plus I wouldn't want to set +w for 
>> the group). Then I also tried 700, 754, 770, 777, 775, 744, to no avail.
> OK. I reset to your original (755):
>> > ls -ld /home/lucas/bin/evince-patched
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 lucas users 331 sept.  7 09:48 /home/lucas/bin/evince-patched
> $ ls -al evince-patched
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 .. 214 Sep 12 12:46 evince-patched
> and it works for me from SeaMonkey 2.12.01. Couldn't figure out why I
> wasn't getting a large window on the first try... forgot that I didn't
> have wmctrl installed on this machine. After installing wmctrl I now get
> the large window.

Added note: I prefer epdfview -- opens in a full window & automatically
shows the index column if the pdf is indexed.

Description-en: Lightweight pdf viewer based on poppler libs
 The aim of ePDFView is to make a simple PDF document viewer, in the
lines of
 Evince but without using the GNOME libraries.
Homepage: http://trac.emma-soft.com/epdfview/

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