Interviewed by CNN on 12/09/2012 11:51, Rex told the world:
> I recently switched to 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate. While I was able to 
> replace Firefox with Waterfox and use my old profile as before, the only 
> reference to 64bit Seamonkey I can find is this one -
> This looks like the initial 2.0 build from 2009 and hasn't been updated 
> since.
> Are there any plans to provide official 64bit builds any time soon?

I have addressed this in the past. Simply stated, there's no big hurry
to do it, because there's not much to be gained and a lot to be lost --
Windows 64-bit runs 32-bit applications with hardly any penalty.

The most important gain would be the ability for the application to be
able to use lots of RAM. 32-bit apps are limited to 4 Gb (or it might be
2 Gb, I'm not sure).
Whoa! Let's go back there a minute: is there a legitimate use case for
SM using even *half* that amount? We routinely see complaints that
browsers are using several hundred megabytes; if you need more than 2Gb
for Seamonkey, there's something really wrong somewhere.

Then, the losses. Generally speaking, you lose all 32-bit add-ons. That
includes most plug-ins (although there are 64-bit versions of
Silverlight, Flash and Java, there are dozens of other plugins that
simply don't have 64-bit versions) and most (all?) extensions with
binary parts (like, for instance, Enigmail).

Will there ever be an official 64-bit Seamonkey build? Yes, eventually,
I think. At some point, the pluses will start to outweight the minuses
for a sizeable share of the users.
Plugins are becoming less important every day, so people might be more
willing to let to of them.
There might be some nifty new thing for SM to do that would be much
better in 64-bit.
Microsoft might deprecate 32-bit support.
Upgrading to a new, better compiler might involve dropping support for
32-bit mode, much like recently Mozilla dropped support for Windows 2000.
But not right now.


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