On 09/18/2012 09:17 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> JohnW-Mpls wrote:
>> I like SeaMonkey (v2.12 under XP) but will change vendors quickly if
>> you keep interrupting my preparation of an email by jamming a great
>> big sign saying your wonderful thing can be upgraded. I have now
>> turned off the automatic upgrade notices.
> You seem to have set the program to do what you want it to do, so from
> where I sit it looks like the problem is solved -- as long as you
> remember to check manually from time to time (Help | Check for Updates).
> In my experience, setting SM to check weekly (not daily) gets me one
> notification a week if a new version is available; I don't get repeated
> nags. I find this tolerable; YMMV.
>> I would welcome upgrade notices via email.
> Since nobody keeps track of who downloads and installs the software,
> much less maintaining a database of user emails, that's not gonna
> happen. Sorry.
> I don't speak for the SeaMonkey project, so perhaps the developers would
> be willing to set up an automated email notification option. But based
> on how I've observed this project over the years, my guess is no.

Do we not see new release announcements in this newsgroup?


Didn't find one for 2.12.1 though. May have been an oversight on my part.

Fedora 17 (64-bit)
Gnome or KDE Desktop
Thunderbird Beta
Yes, I am.
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