Mort wrote:
Michael Gordon wrote:
Mort wrote:
Hi, every few days, I get a message on both my Windows 7 and XP PCs,
asking if I wish to allow updater.exe to access my hard drive. Not
knowing what it is, I always say no.

Can someone please tell me the origin and safety of this address.

Thank you.

Mort Linder

Mort, first thing, how do you know it is SeaMonkey running the
Updater.exe program?

I suspect you have an Anti-Virus/FireWall installed and it is blocking
access to your files and folders. ZoneAlarm is one such program, and it
will tell you who is trying to run the updater application.

SeaMonkey has an automated update program that can be configured to
automatically check for SM updates, download them, and install them. You
can set the preferences to allow, or deny any, or all such activities.

If you want to allow automatic update checking, at a minimum, you have
to instruct your AV/FW application to allow access to the SM program
directory. You have to set your SM preferences to perform such tasks
for you; such as; check for updates, automatically (Manually) download
updates, an/or install updates (automatically/manually).

If you want to deny all attempts (automatically) then you have to set
your SM preferences accordingly. Leave your AV/FW alone. If you deny
all access you will be totally responsible for checking for security
updates and installing them.

Michael G

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the nice advice. Is the "updater.exe" a known and safe site
to allow to enter my hard drive, or is it spam or worse?
That's all that I want to know.

I have all my updates set to ask me first for permission, before being


Because you have not been explicit in your knowledge about updater.exe, and because SM uses an automatic updating application, I performed a simple search on my Windows PC and discovered 2 different occurrence of the updater,exe program.
1. Is in the SeaMonkey Program folder.
2. Is in the Google Earth program folder.

Both files have one character difference in their names.
1.  "updater.exe" is found in the SM program folder.
2. "Updater.exe" is found in the Google Earth download folder.

There are many more iterations of this application file. You will have to locate the specific file in question on your hard drive. Once located you need to right click the file and select properties. From there you can determine who created it and decide if you want to trust the file to perform on your system.

Michael G

Armadillo Web Development

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