William Greenwood wrote:

Running Mac 10.7.5 and SM 2.13.1,

I'm running Windows 7 Pro SP1 and SM 2.13.1.

The following Costco site will not load images:

I see lots of images, though a few here and there are "404 not found." Not your browser's fault.

Also, cannot get either of the following two sites to load at all:

Page loaded, but graph pane was blank until I disabled AdBlock Plus and reloaded.

Strangely enough, after I closed the browser window, cleared my cache, and cleared all stockcharts.com cookies, the page loaded normally.


Page loaded normally, including graph, even though I had enabled AdBlock Plus before attempting it.

Until recently I did not experience problems with these sites. I tried
reverting to SM 2.12, but did not help.

Do you use an ad blocker?

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Paul B. Gallagher

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