David E. Ross wrote:
On 11/4/12 9:28 AM, Michael Gordon wrote:
JohnW-Mpls wrote:
On Sat, 03 Nov 2012 22:51:40 -0400, "Paul B. Gallagher"
<pau...@pbgdashtranslations.com> wrote:

JohnW-Mpls wrote:

I work with a number of accounts and websites at GoDaddy and was on
their website to make some changes.  SM 2.13.2 could not uncover many
links at GoDaddy.  I switched to FireFox and all those links worked -
I then could navigate and make my changes.

I like SM but I do get tired of feeling like I'm using a second
class product.

I manage a website hosted by GoDaddy and have not experienced this
problem. What does "uncover" mean?

A column of links appeared to SM as just words/phrases -  the underlining
that is common for links was not displayed - hence, links uncovered..


Underlining for links can be turned off with CSS, unless you create your
own CSS file and direct SM to use that file in place of the web page
document CSS.


Yes, I have encountered a number of Web sites where links are not
underlined.  I also find sites where links do not change color when they
are selected or are not colored at all.  Both are condemned as very poor
implementation of Web designs, but they nonetheless exist.


I agree. When the mouse passes over something that might be a link, the text link should change. It is called Hover, and when the mouse hovers over a link an underline should appear, or the background should change color, or if it is an image link the image should roll over. Too many web sites use JavaScript to make these happen, but CSS can do it without JavaScript and accomplish the same task.

Michael G

Armadillo Web Development

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