For over a year now I have not been using SM's browser on a day-to-day 
basis, ever since SM browser "forgot" all my bookmarks and history, even 
though Mail continues to work just fine.  It's as though SM browser is 
unable to see my profile.  At the time it happened I posted here for 
help but with no joy.

Since then I have been using Safari day-to-day, but I still use SM 
browser from time to time when some site doesn't work properly on 
Safari.  Today on just such an accasion, shortly after SM browser told 
me it had blocked some pop-up windows, it re-opened my "previous" 
session, ie the last session before my problems began over a year ago!  
However it still couldn't see any bookmarks or history.

At the top of the visible tab on the frontmost window this message was 
displayed this message :

"The bookmarks and history system will not be functional because one of 
SeaMonkey's files is in use by another application.  Some security 
software can cause this problem."

I don't have any security software that I'm aware of.  Can anyone use 
this message to diagnose and solve my problem?

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