Daniel wrote:
Larry S. wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Larry S. wrote:
My wife received her new computer (Windows 7). She d/l SM 2.14 then, to
recover her profile from her older computer, we copied the saved copy
from her thumb drive and pasted it into a new profile which we had
emptied out.

SM fails when she tries to start using the new profile, saying it can't
find the "bookmarks.html" file from her *default* profile (the one we
supposedly aren't using). Note: On her old computer her SM home page
"Bookmarks.html", which somehow doesn't show up in the copied profile.

Questions: What did we do wrong? Why can't she use the saved/copied


Larry, what version of SeaMonkey was your wife using?? Since Ver 2.1 or
so, bookmarks (and History and some other stuff) have been stored in a
file called places.sqlite

Good question, Daniel, but probably not the issue. She's using 2.14,

Yes, you typed that, Larry. I asked "what version of SeaMonkey was your
wife using??" meaning on her old computer??

here's the problem. While the notice is that the file can't be found, it
says that it can't be found in the *default* profile. The problem is
that at the time she's using the *new* profile, so there shouldn't be a
search for the file in the other one. Seems to be the wrong message, but
we can't make it go away.

Have a look at Tools->Switch Profiles.  How many profiles are listed??
Could it be that her "new profile" *is* the "default profile"??

Note: Of course there's no "bookmarks.html" in the default profile since
that was part of the brand new d/l of 2.14 into the brand new computer.
The file has not been created yet. But that's the wrong place to look!

Questions: (1) Was copying the profile contents from the saved copy into
a newly-created profile the right way to do it?,

Yes, that would do, as long as some of the files have undergone the
conversion process back in Ver 2.1 approx

                                                  and (2) Was there
something else to do to use the new profile, other than Tools>Switch

Thanks for your help over the years!


No, if it has been converted and located.

Problem solved! See my reply to Ed Mullen. However, to answer your questions:
--  She was previously using 2.13.2.
-- Both profiles are listed in Switch Profiles, and the new one was selected. So, it wasn't a file conversion problem, but inattention on my part. Nevertheless, your questions were good ones, as the conversion process has often been a source of problems.

Thank you for your help, even though the answer went another direction. You've save my life (well, my SM anyhow) on several other occasions, and are a greatly appreciated resource here.

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