On 11/23/12 7:30 AM, George Carden wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 10/27/12 12:52 PM, Tom S. wrote:
>>> On Fri 26 Oct 2012 01:51:07pm EDT, /David E. Ross/ said in
>>> mozilla.support.seamonkey:
>>>> On 10/26/12 10:14 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>>>>> Once again a new version has stopped supporting an
>>>>> extension to save all passwords in human readable format.
>>>>> I'm not looking for a discussion of why this is a good or
>>>>> bad thing, since it is a required thing for this client.
>>>>> Reasons to do it:
>>>>> - it's *their* hardware
>>>>> - it's *their* passwords
>>>>> - they pay me *their* money to do things *their* way
>>>>> - the choice is to provide the list, on paper, within 24
>>>>> hours of
>>>>>     any change, or stop working for them
>>>>> - they're not asking for anything of mine, just theirs the
>>>>> way
>>>>>     they want it.
>>>>> So is there an extension which allows dumping the full
>>>>> content of the password database into a text file or are
>>>>> we back to doing it by hand or using another software?
>>>> Try the Password Exporter extension at
>>>> <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/password-e
>>>> xporter/>. While the Web page says "Not available for
>>>> SeaMonkey 2.13.1", I am using the extension with SeaMonkey
>>>> 2.13.1.
>>> How do you install it when SeaMonkey won't let you install it
>>> from the website?
>>>> After you install the extension --
>>> <snip>
>> 1.  Download the .xpi file without installing it.
>> 2.  Use a ZIP application (e.g., Winzip) to extract the install.rdf
>> file.  (The .xpi file is merely a ZIP file without the .zip file
>> extension.)
>> 3.  In the block
>>              <em:targetApplication>
>>            <!-- SeaMonkey -->
>>            <Description>
>>              <em:id>{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}</em:id>
>>              <em:minVersion>2.2</em:minVersion>
>>              <em:maxVersion>2.7.*</em:maxVersion>
>>              </Description>
>>              </em:targetApplication>
>> use an ASCII editor to change
>>              <em:maxVersion>2.7.*</em:maxVersion>
>> to
>>              <em:maxVersion>2.15.*</em:maxVersion>
>> 4.  Re-insert the modified install.rdf file back into the .xpi file.
>> 5.  Install the extension locally from your hard drive.
> David, I'm to the very last step on this. What exactly do I do to 
> install the extension locally from the hard drive? Do I need to re-zip 
> the contents of the "password_exporter-1.2.1-fx+tb+sm" folder again and 
> install that?  I don't want to screw this up. Thanks.

DO NOT extract all files from the zipped .xpi file.  Only extract

1.  After editing it, re-insert the install.rdf file into the .xpi file.

2.  On the SeaMonkey menu bar, select [Tools > Add-ons Manager].

3.  On the Add-ons Manager, select Extensions (left-hand side, green
puzzle piece).

4.  At the top of the page, there is a button with a graphic that is
either a machine gear or a black daisy with a down-pointing triangle.
Select that button.  On the pull-down list, select "Install Add-on From

The rest should be intuitive.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
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