David E. Ross wrote:
On 11/24/12 6:23 AM, chokito wrote:
Mousehover not working since SM 2.14, same problem exist in in FF
17.0. The website
http://community.upc-cablecom.ch/pages/e96a28785e?lang=en_US should show
like this: http://homepage.hispeed.ch/chokito/Mouse1.png, Any idea?

That Web page has 30 XHTML errors and 45 CSS errors.  The problem may
easily be caused by any combination of those errors.

If you go to my home Web page (per my signature below) and hover your
mouse over any link, a yellow background will appear around that link.
To me, that proves that mousehover is indeed working.

Well I tried it and sure enough got the yellow background but what else
is the mousehover supposed to do?

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