may12.newsgroup wrote:

On 11/28/2012 10:31 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
may12.newsgroup wrote:

On 11/28/2012 9:16 AM, WaltS wrote:
On 11/28/2012 10:07 AM, may12.newsgroup wrote:
I have an e-mail in my drafts folder that I want to delete but I do
find any way to get to it.  Please help.

You can't open the drafts folder, highlight the message, and press

Try a "Restart with Add-ons Disabled".

I cannot find the drafts folder, nor the sent folder, nor any of the
email or newsgroup folders. I look in the mail and newsgroup account
settings and nowhere do I find them. I do have a local folders but
nothing indicating specific folders.

Double-click the account name, or else click the triangle to the left of
it, to expand it and show the folders within it.

If you don't see a list of account names on the left, look at the very
left edge of the screen, about halfway down, and you'll see where the
border is speckled. Mouse over that, and when the cursor changes to a
hand with the index finger pointing up, click to reveal the list. Then
proceed as above.

I understand what you are telling me but--------- when I click on the
triangle, everything disappears except the account name. Click on it
again and entries such as these appear.

Server Settings
Copies & folders
     down to

There is no speckled border.

I know there is a draft there because I put one there and everytime I
open the mail it will ask if I want to send unsent messages and I have
to click on no.

OK, I'm not talking about the preferences window, which is as you describe. Close that and you should get the regular mail window. Depending on your options, you may see some or all of these:

• list of account names and folders (probably on the left);
• list of messages within the currently selected folder (probably at top right);
• content of message currently selected (probably at bottom right)

The folder you're looking for is "Unsent Messages," and it should be in your default account. There usually isn't a separate one for each account.

There's also a "Drafts" folder for each account, but those messages are not queued for sending, so SM will not prompt you to send them. Only those in the "Unsent Messages" folder will elicit the prompt.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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