
>SM 2.14 linux (32bit & 64bit). I cannot reproduce on SM 2.14 Windows.

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:20.0) Gecko/2012112903

>I have a POP3 account that I had set the download limit to 1024KB:
>Edit|Mail & Newsgroups...|<account>|Disk Space|To save disk
>space...|Messages larger than 1024KB

Done & restarted SM to be on the safe side.

>and one message today is 1.1MB.

I have send a PM to me with a text attachment of 3.3M. Appeared in the
Sent folder as 4.5M.

>So I click on the message and get the the standard 'msg is truncated,
>click to download the rest',

Same here.

>I do so and SM2.14 downloads the rest of the message.

Same here.

>Unfortunately, unlike in earlier versions, once I've downloaded the
>remainder of the message, the msg is blank & basically doesn't

The message was downloaded completely and was readable. After 'Save
As...' a compare showed no difference to the original attachment.


>So, after all of that; can anyone else reproduce? If so then I can
>submit a bug report w/verification.

All is fine here. No need to bother with a bug report. :)

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