Ed Mullen wrote:
> Arnie Goetchius wrote:
>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>>> Today, I discovered a SeaMonkey-compatible Password Exporter.  It
>>>> can be
>>>> downloaded from the Rosenthal & Rosenthal FTP site at
>>>> <ftp://ftp.2rosenthals.com/pub/Mozilla/Extensions/modified-for-SM-2.x/>,
>>>> which can be opened via SeaMonkey.  Password Exporter is in the bottom
>>>> half of the page.
>>> Also available at the Mozilla Add-Ons site:
>>> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/password-exporter/?src=ss
>> It says it won't work in 2.14
> Working fine for me in the latest updated SM.
> Before you comment, try it.  Online docs for such things lag behind
> reality.
When I try it, it says:

"This add-on has not been updated to work with your version of SeaMonkey"

"Install Anyway"

I click on "Install Anyway" and get the following response:

Password Exporter could not be installed because it s not compatible
with Seamonkey 2.14

The reality is that it won't install.

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